Markle ExtensionTransmission Line Project
Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) representatives plan power grid upgrades in Huntington County. The project involves building about 3 miles of 138-kilovolt (kV) power line and switch equipment to connect the new power line to an existing 138-kV power line.
The improvements provide electric service to the future Heartland Rural Electric Membership Corporation (REMC) Markle Substation, located off Novae Parkway, north of Markle. Linking the substation to the power grid addresses the area's growing demand for electricity. Installing a switch to isolate equipment during power outages limits the number of impacted customers, ensures power grid functionality and improves operational flexibility.
Project Updates
Early 2025: During a public open house last summer, I&M representatives offered study segments to help determine the path to build a power line connecting the future Heartland REMC Markle Substation to the existing power grid. After reviewing land use, environmental impacts and community input following the open house, company representatives determined a proposed power line route. The map at the top of this page shows the general location of the proposed line route.
O.R. Colan Associates (ORC) serves as I&M's right-of-way representative for this project. Landowners along the proposed line route can expect to hear from an ORC right-of-way agent in the coming weeks.
The project involves installing steel poles
Typical Pole Height: Approximately 85 feet*
Typical Right-of-Way Width: Approximately 100 feet*
*Exact structure types, height and right-of-way requirements may vary
Property Easements Virtual Open House Project Fact Sheet Project Map Access Roads Field ActivitiesIndiana Michigan Power serves 575,000 customers in Indiana and Michigan.
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