Thank you for your patience.
Regulations limit Open Access Distribution (OAD) participation to 10% of Indiana Michigan Power Company's (I&M) weather adjusted sales for the previous calendar year within our Michigan jurisdiction. Shown below is OAD load available and current participation. For questions or explanation of data contained within this Cap Tracking System, please contact:
March 13, 2025
* I&M Cap amount has been moved from zero to 10% by Commission Order U-16090 pursuant to MCL 460.10a(1)c as of February 1, 2019. I&M's Cap will remain at 10% until any subsequent order of the MPSC.
For questions or explanation of data contained within this Cap Tracking System, please contact:
We perform all load profiling. Sample data and customer specific interval metering, when available, will be used in the development of the total load profile for which the Energy Service Provider is responsible for providing generation and possibly transmission services.
The files below contain the generic class load profiles for I&M. Profiles are provided for the Irrigation Service (CCMIIRSA), General Service with Unmetered Service (CCMIFLAA), Large General Service (CCMILGSA), Large Power (CCMILPSA), General Service (CCMIMGSA), Municipal and School Service (CCMIMSSA), Security Outdoor Lighting (CCMIOSLA), Residential Electric Service (CCMIRESA), Streetlight Service (CCMISLSA), and Water and Sewage Service (CCMIWSSA) classes. These profiles may differ slightly from the profiles previously posted for the same overlapping time periods as we have had updates to previous data.
Each row contains data for one day, including date, class, and the 24 hourly average per customer in kW usage values. All information is expressed in hour-ending eastern standard time.
Pre-Enrollment Customer List is not available at this time. For questions, please contact
Customer historical usage data is available to approved AES through the Business Partner Portal (BPP).
Standard Service Offer (SSO) and Open Access Distribution (OAD) are both included in the Net Metering Services.
IDR Meter Request Form
Annual Meter Schedule follows 21 reading cycles, which occur at different times of the month. These cycles correspond to the approximately 21 working days each month.
Meter Reading Schedule 2025
Meter Reading Schedule 2024
To find your billing cycle, look in the upper portion of your electric bill just below the account number (ex. CY 21).
Next, locate your reading cycle on the left side of the meter schedule and follow across to find the scheduled reading dates for the remainder of the year. The next scheduled read date is printed on each month’s electric bill and may be read one (1) business day before or one to two (1-2) business days after the date listed.
View Loss Factor by Individual Tariff
See: General Information: Helpful Links.
Address: Customer Services, AES Support, 52807 US 131 N., Three Rivers, MI 49093
See Michigan Choice Market Settlement Policies & Procedures for an overview of the AES Market Settlement in PJM.
Address: MPSC, P.O. Box 30221, Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 517.241.6180
*AES participation only applies to those suppliers and customers in the State of Michigan, therefore the Indiana commission information will not be provided.
PJM Membership Information:
PJM Billing, Settlements and Credit information:
PJM Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT), other Agreements and provisions:
“Remember User ID” helps you log in without having to memorize your ID or look it up every time. When you opt in, we automatically fill in your ID from then on. To avoid unauthorized access, you’ll still have to enter your password.
Your security code is a short word or phrase you set up with our customer service associates to provide extra protection for your online account.
If you have forgotten your security code, please call 800.311.4634.
Please login to manage your account.