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The I&M Supplier Handbook provides instructions for registering, Business Partner Portal (BPP), customer enrollment, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) testing, and billing.
The Michigan Choice Market Settlement Policies & Procedures provides an overview of the Alternative Electric Supplier (AES) Market Settlement process at Indiana Michigan Power (I&M).
As an Electric Distribution Company (EDC) operating within PJM, we provide daily allotment values to PJM for AES participating in the Choice market in Michigan for the purpose of settlement. Our role in settlement is providing PJM the hourly energy supply obligation for the sum of all Service Delivery Identifier (SDIs) served by each AES. On a daily basis, I&M submits to PJM an initial settlement of each Load Serving Entity (LSE’s) hourly energy supply obligation from the previous day (known as the "day-after settlement" or “Settlement A”) in the I&M zone. These initial values are largely comprised of estimates based upon historical SDI usage, historical load profiles, historical weather, and forecasted weather on the load day. Examples of each process as well as calculation of the yearly PJM weather normalization factor (WNF) are also included.
“Remember User ID” helps you log in without having to memorize your ID or look it up every time. When you opt in, we automatically fill in your ID from then on. To avoid unauthorized access, you’ll still have to enter your password.
Your security code is a short word or phrase you set up with our customer service associates to provide extra protection for your online account.
If you have forgotten your security code, please call 800.311.4634.
Please login to manage your account.