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I&M Smart Technology Focused on Customer Reliability

August 29, 2024

Paint the picture of what comfort looks like at home. This might include air conditioning running during a hot summer day or movie night with friends or family. If the power does go out, comfort can temporarily slip away, but with smart technology working for customers, immediate awareness can help to minimize outage times and restore comfort.  

Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) understands that one size does not fit all, especially when it comes to our customers’ personal energy needs. Since 2020, I&M began programmatically installing smart meters to improve our customers’ energy experiences. This technology replaces older meters that did not offer benefits like those of the new meters, including better service for customers, quicker responses to outages and proactive alerts. 

“Smart meter technology functions not just alert I&M when an outage occurs, but it also offers quality service in real-time to keep customers at ease and alert during an uncertain situation,” said Subin Mathew, I&M Director of Reliability and Grid Modernization. “We focus on safe, quick restoration when there is an outage so we can continue providing customers with the best possible product, and with our smart meter technology, that is achievable.”

When outages do occur, they may not be widespread in a community. If customers are impacted by a loss of power, smart meter technology will proactively send an alert. These real-time notices can help customers stay informed and safe, especially when the outage results from severe weather. This considerable upgrade from the older meters can enhance how we serve customers through improved service restoration times in any situation.

But how can the duration of an outage be improved through something as simple as a home’s electric meter? I&M customers with a smart meter have technology that serves as a two way communication system, alerting appropriate staff when an outage is detected. Immediate awareness of outages prompts a quicker reaction time, resulting in less time to restore power to impacted customers.

Conditions in Fort Wayne might not mirror how they look in Benton Harbor, so how customers use smart meters can differ day-to-day. Those up against severe weather will receive the proactive alerts should an outage occur, but if one does dodge incoming weather, they can still utilize the information produced from their smart meter.  

Energy use does vary from home to home, which is why smart meters support the unique needs of each customer and not just general needs of an average homeowner. Through tracking daily energy use, as in-depth as 15-minute increments, customers can see when and where high usage occurred and take possible corrective actions. For customers completing an updated home energy profile, custom energy efficiency tips are shared specific to the home the meter is set. By having this insight, customers can adjust in real time to avoid a higher bill reflecting higher usage.

Learn more about how to benefit from the information gathered with your smart meter through similar communications on our website or on the I&M smart meter webpage.

Previous: I&M Smart Technology for the Everyday 


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