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Employees Participate in the Great Cardboard Boat Race

August 27, 2024

A gloomy, rainy morning gave way to a bright, sunny Friday afternoon for I&M employees participating in Crossroads United Way’s Great Cardboard Boat Race.

Members of the South Bend and Elkhart Line Departments crafted a boat that they hoped would float around the LaSalle Bristol Pond in Elkhart. The vessels were made entirely of cardboard and duct tape and powered by two or more rowers. Boats competed for honor, trophies and to help the community.

“The event raises money to help better the lives of our community members in the areas of health, education and providing meals for local families,” said I&M External Affairs Manager Mona Livingston. “It allowed us to work together as a team and have a great day connecting with our fellow employees and those from other local companies.”

The South Bend boat named “The Windowmaker” was built and rowed by Jayson Nystrom, Caleb Hoover, Mason Germonprez and Justin Gierlowski. The Elkhart vessel – The Three Musketeers - was built and steered by Dalton Perrault, Justin Fleming and Jacob Shilling.

Both boats floated and completed their lap around the pond but didn’t win their respective heats. They were able to race one more time around in the battle of the remaining floating boats, but both boats took on water and bobbed to the finished line.

“We had a great time building the boats, working together and spending the day cheering each other on,” said Brian Lett, manager of Distribution System for the South Bend and Elkhart district. “This is one of the events we look forward to each year and I can’t wait to see what they come up with for next year. Thanks to everyone who came out to support the teams and especially to those who gave up their time to take part to help our community.”

Crossroads United Way says this is its largest fleet ever – 72 boats – for the race. The fundraiser also brought in more than $155,000. The United Way chapter serves Elkhart, LaGrange and Noble Counties providing help to those who need it in the areas of education, health and financial stability.

The Great Cardboard Boat Race 2024


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