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I&M Safety Trailer Provides Community with Important Message

September 20, 2024

“You should warn me the next time it makes a noise like that!”

From the fake climbing squirrel to the smoking prop car, Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) uses its safety trailer to demonstrate how to stay safe around electricity. The scenarios shown on this visual aid can occur on any day with minimal warning, further stressing the importance of awareness.  

Should you find yourself in a situation with live wires on your vehicle after an accident or downed lines have mixed with debris outside your home after a storm, education is power. It can also be lifesaving. Understanding how to react in an emergency was the focus at the 16th Annual Allen County Public Safety Fair on Sept. 14. Alongside local organizations, including our lineworkers, this event seeks to educate our community about planning ahead and responding in an urgent situation.

See also: I&M Encourages Drivers to Know Before They Go

Often, we overlook interactions with live power lines, like those buried in our yard or what to do for them after a storm. I&M’s safety trailer serves a valuable role, providing visual demonstrations of potential real-life situations involving power lines and how someone should react if faced with these.

Additional information included the importance of calling 811 before digging, how a tree limb can impact a live wire and how loud a blown fuse is. Alongside the safety trailer, various fleet vehicles were available to view and lineworkers were taking questions from attendees throughout the duration of the event.

For more tips on electrical or storm-related safety, visit I&M’s Safety page.


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