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Safety First When It Comes to Trees and Power Lines

September 26, 2024

This time of year, we often notice tree leaves changing to brilliant fall colors. While you take in the spectacular views and plan autumn yard clean-ups, I&M customers should stay safe and know how to avoid a tree-related power outage – the No. 1 cause of service disruptions.

Tree-related power outages happen when a tree branch snaps and hits power lines or other electrical equipment – especially during severe weather or strong winds. I&M’s dedicated Forestry Department locates, manages and trims trees before they could cause a problem while following a robust Vegetation Management program.

“At least every four years in Indiana and every four years in Michigan, our forest experts assess trees near power lines and various electrical equipment,” said I&M’s Region Forestry supervisor, Chad Tinkel. “We inspect easy-to-access areas by walking and for the hard-to-reach locations we utilize drones or helicopters.”

The effort is paying off with tree-related outages reduced for customers by 29% since 2021 and the amount of time customers were without power from tree-related outages reduced by 44% over the past five years.

Here are tips to help avoid a tree-related power outage:

  • For your safety, never attempt to trim or remove tree limbs near power lines. I&M uses only trained and licensed professionals to clear trees away from our power lines.
  • Report safety hazards immediately. If there is safety hazard that poses an immediate risk, such as a downed pole or branches that have fallen on power lines, please report it immediately by calling 1-800-311-4634. Never go near or touch a power line.
  • I&M does not trim trees that are threatening your service drop (the line that runs from our pole to your house). That is the responsibility of the property owner. Please call 1-800-311-4634 at least two business days before you schedule the work, and we can send a crew to temporarily disconnect the service line.
  • Plan before you plant. Property owners should consider the lifespan, height, canopy spread, growth rate, shape and if any utility lines run underground before sellecting species and planting location(s). Visit call811.com before you begin any digging project. For more on planting plans, click here.

For more information on Power Reliability and Forestry visit www.IndianaMichiganPower.com/Forestry.



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