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Stay in the Loop Even When the Power Goes Out

We always do our best to keep the lights on for the community, but sometimes outages occur. And when they do, we’ll not only send out our crews to fix the issue immediately, but we’ll be sure to let you know when electricity might be restored. We know you depend on us for power and we take that responsibility very seriously.

Realtime Outage Map Enter your ZIP code to get updates on your neighborhood.

Report a different problem Report a tree, light or possible power theft.

4 steps to restore power See how we restore power in your area.

Learn about outage & storm safety Reliable energy starts by putting safety first.

Request an Outage Verification Letter Get proof of an outage for your employer or for organizations that provide assistance.

Understanding Load Shed Load shed is required when the demand for electricity approaches available supply levels. In order to protect the power grid, PJM may order I&M and other power companies to begin shedding load under emergency conditions. This is required to avoid catastrophic grid failures which could result in prolonged power outages.

System Maintenance
Many online functions, like login and outage reporting, won't be available from 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM ET on Sunday, 3/30.

If you have an urgent issue, please call our Customer Operations Center at 800.311.4634.