Checklist: Preparing for Summer Storms
Extreme weather can damage your building, interrupt business operations and endanger staff and other building occupants. While safety is critical, you also want to protect your business assets and resume normal operations as quickly as possible. This checklist of actions will help ensure that you're ready when the next storm arrives.
Storm preparation steps
✓ Create an emergency action plan that includes evacuation procedures, contact information for local first responders and emergency contact information for all employees.
✓ Prepare an emergency preparedness kit, which should include water bottles, non-perishable food, blankets, first-aid supplies, flashlights and a battery-powered radio.
✓ Contact your state emergency management office for information about local shelters, evacuation plans, emergency exit routes and more.
✓ Maintain your grounds. Make sure the grounds around your building are free of heavy debris that could cause damage during high winds, and trim trees to prevent limbs from falling on buildings.
✓ Choose a safe area in your building in case of a storm warning. This area should be located in a basement (if available) or a ground-level room with no windows.
✓ Develop a flood readiness plan. Include key responsibilities, emergency contacts and evacuation procedures. Prioritize equipment and records that may require removal from the premises.
Staying in business
✓ Get protected. Install power quality protection equipment, such as surge suppressors and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), to safeguard sensitive electronics.
✓ Maintain backup power. Make sure you have a reliable source of backup power, such as a generator, available and in working condition. Operate the unit safely according to manufacturer's guidelines.
✓ Develop a business continuity plan that includes a list of procedures to be taken after a storm or other emergency to continue operations and return to full capacity as quickly as possible.
For more information about preparing for storms or other emergencies, see Ready Business from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Also, check out our collection of weather-ready tips will help you be prepared before, during and after the storm at
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