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I&M Names 2024 Trade Allies of the Year

February 28, 2025

A dedicated expert provides value when it comes to saving energy – and money – for a business. Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) is proud to recognize the providers who assist our commercial and industrial customers in enhancing energy efficiency. 

Trade Allies are valued contractors and service providers that partner with I&M to deliver energy-efficient products and expertise. Examples of these energy-saving improvements include: 

ARI Energy Consultants is honored as one of Indiana's 2024 Trade Allies of the Year.
  • Upgrading lighting
  • Installing proper insulation for manufacturing
  • Fixing leaks in compressed air systems
  • Educating employees on energy-saving habits

Identifying areas to become more energy-efficient can add up to significant savings for commercial and industrial customers.

I&M named TMI Compressed Air Systems, ARI Energy Consultants and Moyer Electric as the 2024 Indiana Trade Allies of the Year.

In Michigan, the 2024 Trade Allies of the Year are TMI Compressed Air Systems, Energy Harness and R&D Electric.

I&M recognizes the work and commitment of these companies to helping businesses reach their energy goals. Customers working with these organizations will see the impact of their work now and into the future.

Is your business looking for additional ways to save? 

TMI Compressed Air Systems is named one of the 2024 Trade Allies of the Year.

Rebates & Incentives

I&M Prescriptive Rebates make it easy for customers to save energy, help the environment and improve a bottom line. Cash rebates paid per unit installed help offset the cost of energy-saving projects so business owners can make the right choice for their business. In Indiana, projects can include updates to HVAC, exterior/interior lighting, occupancy sensors, cooking equipment and more.   

Custom Incentives make it easy for a company to save energy and improve the bottom line through energy-saving projects specific to the company. Building owners, designers and architects can now go above and beyond the current state building code requirements while spending less.

Small Business Direct Install (SBDI) rebate may also be an option. These rebates for small business owners help offset the cost of energy-saving upgrades that are cleaner, greener and most cost-effective.

For additional energy-saving tips, head to ElectricIdeas.com/Work to find products, rebate information and discounts. Stay current on energy-saving ideas with I&M’s Energy Solutions Newsletter. Sign up to receive this monthly communication straight to your inbox and start saving today.

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